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Wellness Foods & Supplements 2/2020

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Beauty food to

Beauty food to consumers,” explained Dr Stephan Hausmanns, Vice President of the Business Unit Health & Nutrition at GELITA. So how and why does collagen intake have such an impact on overall skin health? The answer lies in the fact that collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, accounting for approximately 30 per cent of overall protein content. It is a vital component of blood vessels, bones, joints, spinal discs, eyes, dentin and facial tissue. It is also a key constituent of all connective tissues, and responsible for helping to maintain the firm structure of the dermis. During the ageing process, however, the body’s own collagen production begins to decline, which means the skin begins to lose its elasticity, leading to wrinkles and sagging. That is when supplementation with collagen peptides becomes relevant, as it plays an essential role in wrinkle reduction and the maintenance of specific connective tissues. While topical beauty products may help reduce the signs of ageing temporarily, traditional collagen peptides such as GELITA’s VERISOL ® have been scientifically proven to contribute to lasting rejuvenated skin by decelerating wrinkle formation. Neutral in both taste and smell, these peptides are non-allergenic and free from E-numbers, and can be easily processed into a wide variety of products. Proven benefits for skin health Yet when it comes to fish-derived collagens, some critics have suggested that they do not deliver the benefits promised. Hausmanns explains: “One possible reason is that there are some important differences between collagens obtained from fish and from species that are very similar to humans, such as mammalian sources. This may explain the suboptimal effects of fish-derived collagen in previous skin studies.” Noting these observations, GELITA was eager to develop an effective fish-derived alternative for its VERISOL ® peptides with the same proven benefits for skin health. And, as a newly published study confirms, it has succeeded in doing so. The study consisted of a randomized controlled trial conducted by Proksch et al, in Kiel, Germany, with only healthy women between the ages of 35 and 80 included. It’s also important to note that only GELITA’s specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides ® under the brand name VERISOL ® – which are derived from a specific hydrolysis of marine collagen – were used in this study. Accordingly, the effects described in the study cannot be applied to other fish-derived collagen peptides. The participants were split into two groups, one of which was given VERISOL ® , while the other was assigned a placebo. Both groups were instructed to ingest a daily dose of 5 g for 8 weeks. The study period was subsequently extended by 4 weeks without further product administration to investigate the ongoing effect of the treatment. The overall goal of the study was to compare the alterations in skin elasticity and eye wrinkle formation between both groups. Eye wrinkle reduction The results show that over the course of the study, skin elasticity increased significantly with the intake of VERISOL ® . These benefits were determined at all measurement time points after the treatment. In contrast, for the placebo group, a significant decrease of skin elasticity could be observed. Regarding eye wrinkle volume, a clear decrease was shown in the collagen peptide group. „With the launch of a new fish-derived version, GELITA has further developed the concept of their Bioactive Collagen Peptides ® VERISOL ® .” (Photos © : GELITA AG; Adobe Stock 237530191) All in all, the study results proved that – compared to a placebo – a continuous intake of fish-derived VERISOL ® leads to a statistically significant improvement in skin elasticity. Additionally, the eye wrinkle volume of the study participants who were treated with the Bioactive Collagen Peptides ® decreased significantly. In conclusion, Proksch, et al were able to prove that a daily intake of 5 g of 40 No. 2 August/September 2020 Wellness Foods & Supplements

Beauty food fish-derived VERISOL ® has a positive impact on skin elasticity and eye wrinkle volume reduction. Body of scientific evidence The considerable effects of fish-derived VERISOL ® on epidermal and dermal skin structures, which result in an enhanced overall appearance, is the next chapter in the story of placebo-controlled human clinical studies previously conducted with GELITA’s standard VERISOL ® collagen peptides. One was designed to verify the effectiveness of these collagen peptides on biophysical skin parameters related to cutaneous ageing. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 69 women aged 35–55 were randomized to receive 2.5 g or 5.0 g of VERISOL ® or a placebo once a day for 8 weeks. Each treatment group included 23 subjects. Skin elasticity in both VERISOL ® groups showed a statistically significant improvement compared with the placebo group after just 4 weeks of treatment. In some women, a maximum increase in skin elasticity of up to 30 % was observed after the 8-week treatment period. Interestingly, this effect was even more pronounced in women aged 50 and over. With regard to skin moisture and skin evaporation, the collagen peptide treatment’s positive influence was also seen among this age group. The positive effect on skin elasticity was still detectable at the end of the 4-week washout phase, suggesting a long-lasting dermal physiological effect. In terms of skin waviness, an average and statistically significant reduction of 8 % was observed via 3D skin surface profile measurement after 6 months of treatment. This was even more pronounced in the normal BMI study group, with a decrease in thigh skin waviness of 11.1 %. Moreover, dermal density was significantly improved compared with the placebo. After the treatment period, the skin tissue became measurably more compact, indicating a strengthening of the connective tissue. Finally, the borderline length between the dermis and the subcutis was notably shorter after collagen peptide supplementation. As the length of the borderline correlates with the degree of cellulite, this measurement also highlights cellulite reduction after 6 months. The cellulite of the subjects was assessed both visually and by using the so-called pinch test. After only 3 months of treatment and compared with the baseline readings, a statistically significant cellulite score reduction was observed. At the end of the 6-month study period, a mean reduction of approximately 9 % (compared with the placebo) was determined in subjects with a normal BMI. This improvement was also recorded in overweight participants with a BMI of >25, although the beneficial effect was less pronounced (4 % reduction). Safe, effective and trusted To ensure the health benefits and safety of its products, GELITA has been commissioning clinical trials for years. The results show that GELITA’s Bioactive Collagen Peptides ® are completely safe and have been proven to have positive effects on specific collagen-containing parts of the body. Furthermore, in a consumer study, 500 women aged between 25 and 65 were interviewed in Germany, Spain and the USA about their perceptions and acceptance of collagen. More than 80 % of the partici pants associated it with beauty, specifically in relation to connective tissue and elasticity. And in general, most of the interviewees considered a beauty-from-within concept based on VERISOL ® to be trustworthy and more effective than topical applications. Cellulite reduction success Another study investigated the ability of GELITA’s VERISOL ® to treat cellulite in normal and overweight women. In the double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 105 women aged between 24 and 50 received a daily dose of 2.5 g of VERISOL ® collagen peptides or a placebo (maltodextrin) and were classified as being of normal weight or overweight, depending on their BMI. For more information, please contact Oliver Wolf Head of B2B Marketing (Global) Global Marketing & Communication GELITA AG Uferstr. 7, 69412 Eberbach, Germany Wellness Foods & Supplements No. 2 August/September 2020 41

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