INGREDIENTSHow to Transition to more PlantbasedPet Food?by Catharina Nieuwenhuizen, Technical Director Pet Food at BarentzMany of us feel the urgencyto move towards moresustainable pet food. Buthow can we achieve this?While part of the changeinvolves improvements inmanufacturing plants andprocesses, a significantimpact can be made throughingredient selection. Petowners increasingly expectsustainable and nutritiousingredients in their favoritepet food choices. In bothhuman and pet food markets,vegetarian and vegan optionsremain relatively small butare growing rapidly. Beyondthe vegan market, thereis also a rise in hybrid meat products,which help advance the plant-basedrevolution. Transitioning from meatbasedto more plant-based diets presentsmany challenges. Let’s discuss some ofthese challenges and explore potentialingredient solutions.TasteIt’s well-known that dogs, and especiallycats, love the taste of meat. Introducingmore plant-based proteins will inevitablyaffect the taste of the final product.However, for every challenge, there is asolution. Various ingredients can providean umami taste or enhance flavour. Yeast isa prime example. Different yeast extractsoffer a range of taste experiences, fromvarious umami flavors to roasty notes.NutritionIt is crucial to maintain the samenutritional value of the pet diet whenincorporating more plant-based proteins.A mixture of various plant proteins isessential to ensure all amino acids areincluded. One effective combination ispea and rice. However, there is muchmore to explore. Including yeast proteinscan supplement B-vitamins and boostpalatability. Have you considered insectprotein? Insect proteins are a nutritiousalternative with an excellent amino acidprofile, and significantly reduces your petfood environmental footprint.ColorThe selection of ingredients will naturallyaffect the final product’s colour. Addingmore vegetables to the recipe cancontribute to a more sustainable andnatural healthy appearance, such as usingcarrots and whole peas. However, forkibbles and some wet foods, achieving thedesired colour can be more challenging.Barentz can assist you in selecting theright shade of brown, from light to dark,using natural ingredients like cookedapples and malt extract.StructureThe structure and texture of pet foodchanges when incorporating more plantbasedor alternative proteins. While therelevance of this change for dogs mightbe debatable, it’s important to keep petparents satisfied by making the productresemble meat, especially in wet pet food.By using a range of different binders andfibers, you can achieve a texture veryclose to meat. Finding the right synergy,in combination with other functionalingredients, is key. We have the expertiseto help you achieve this.Select Your Ingredients andCreate ValueIngredient selection is key in findingthe best solutions for the plant-basedrevolution. By selecting the rightingredients, you can add significant valueto your product. Barentz offers a range ofplant-based, insect, and yeast proteins.Additionally, we have the expertise tocombine these proteins with binders andfibers to mimic meat-based pet food. Ourknow-how extends to creating value foryour pet food products. Our technicalteam is ready to collaborate with you tofind the best solutions for more plantbaseddiets.Meet us at FIEWe are exhibiting at FIE, Food IngredientsExhibition in Frankfurt ( Come andmeet our pet food experts to discussyour challenges and explore innovativesolutions for transitioning to more plantbasedpet food. To schedule a meeting,please email Catharina Nieuwenhuizen & MarketingFor more Shutterstock 23342667736Technology & Marketing
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