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PetFood PRO 4/2024

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  • Green lifestyle
  • Fi europe
  • Zoomark
  • Interzoo
  • Harnischcom
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Solutions
  • Products
  • Petfood
  • Fatty
  • Acids
  • Marketing
  • Ingredients
  • Protein
PetFood PRO is the international magazine for executives and specialists in the manufacture of food for domestic animals – the pet food industry. The magazine focuses on food and delicacies for dogs, cats and other small animals, ornamental birds and fish, as well as animals kept in terrariums. We publish feature articles, reports and announcements about new ingredients, technology, equipment and processes, packaging machinery and materials as well as marketing trends and developments. Readers are executives, product developers and specialists in the pet food industry, including process and packaging engineers. PetFood PRO will be published in English. Circulation is worldwide, with an emphasis on important growth markets.

MARKETINGBecoming Green:

MARKETINGBecoming Green: Interview Programon Green LifestyleUnder the motto "Better. Greener. Together," Green Petfood has made it its mission to make the worldgreener through pet food. In order to further raise awareness for sustainable dog and cat food, the company,together with the specialized agency Leuchtstoff.Media, is breaking new ground and presenting itself asthe exclusive partner of the Green Actors Lounge. This is an association of filmmakers, companies, andcommitted individuals advocating for fair collaboration, diversity, green film production, and a sustainablelifestyle.As part of the collaboration, the new Green Petfood interview magazine "Becoming Green" was also created,featuring celebrities like Ursula Karven and Hardy Krüger Junior discussing the topic of green lifestyle. Themagazine is broadcast weekly on YouTube.The first and second seasons of the newinterview magazine were produced incollaboration with the Green ActorsLounge, where Green Petfood madeits debut in March 2024. "We wereinterested in how the participants andambassadors of the event approach thetopic of 'green lifestyle.' The responsewas overwhelming, so Leuchtstoff.Media was able to move quickly fromthe initial idea to implementation," saidRafael Rybandt, Brand Lead at GreenPetfood.In the first season of the new GreenPetfood interview magazine "BecomingGreen," well-known actors such as SteveWindolf, Ursula Karven, Hardy KrügerJunior, Victoria Jancke, Simon Licht,and Reiki von Carlowitz share theirunderstanding of a green lifestyle. Theydiscuss which projects or individualsparticularly inspire them, how they stayoptimistic, and what they are currentlyworking on. They also offer interestinginspiration on how everyone cantake small steps to live and act moresustainably. This includes the topic ofnutrition – not just for people, but alsofor dogs and cats.Sustainable pet food is animportant part of a greenlifestyle"In Germany, according to the ZZF*, onein four households has at least one cat,and one in five households has at leastone dog. That accounts for 15.7 millioncats and 10.5 million dogs. If all thesepets are fed solely animal-based foodin the future, it will have a tremendousimpact on our ecological footprint.Especially during the production,transport, and packaging of pet food, asignificant amount of CO2 is generated.That’s why, for over ten years, we atGreen Petfood have been developingsolutions for recipes and packaging tosignificantly reduce the production ofthis harmful greenhouse gas," explainsRafael Rybandt.The company, which recently won the2024 German Sustainability Award,sees itself as a key pioneer in the entirepet food industry. With "BecomingGreen," Green Petfood aims to provideinspiration around the topic of a greenlifestyle. At the same time, to raiseawareness among a broader audiencethat sustainable pet food can becomean important part of every pet owner'sgreen lifestyle."There is an urgent need for a shiftin thinking, even when it comes tochoosing dog and cat food. In the future,we need more alternative meat-reducedor meat-free pet food concepts that areaffordable and accessible to everyone,"emphasizes Rafael Rybandt.Sustainable feeding: Dogsdon’t need meatAll Green Petfood dog food products arebased on meat-reduced or completelymeat-free recipes. Dogs don’t need meatto be fully nourished; what’s importantis the biological value of the proteins.This can be well covered by plant-basedproteins from lentils, peas, or insects.Green Petfood has also been usinghigh-quality insect proteins for years,such as in the complete food productInsectDog. This is also suitable for dogswith food intolerances, ensuring theydon’t miss out on important nutrients.Since 2019, the brand has also offered42Technology & Marketing

MARKETINGthe first sustainable cat food, FairCat,which provides an innovative recipewith poultry and insect protein forfelines. This year, the company is alsolaunching a new line of wet food fordogs.*Source: ZZF (Zentralverband ZoologischerFachbetriebe Deutschland e.V.): MarketData 2023. The German Pet Market.New InsectDog Varieties!Green Petfood has been delighting dogowners already since 2013. By usinginsects as the source of protein, theInsectDog range offers an alternative toconventional protein sources — and itis better tolerated by dogs with allergiesand intolerances. Two new varieties arenow joining the InsectDog range.From four-legged sport stars to placidpooches — there is something foreveryone in the new InsectDog range.Because the well-known productsInsectDog Hypoallergen, InsectDogSensitive and InsectDog Mini are beingjoined by two new additions:Technology & MarketingTechnology & MarketingStart the day with balanceInsectDog Balance provides balanceand vitality day after day. This dry foodwith insect & salmon protein features agluten-free recipe and its delicious tasteis popular even with fussy dogs — herbs& fruit make sure of that. The moderateenergy content is ideal for adult dogswith normal activity levels.Technology & MarketingTechnology & Marketing"Green Petfood at Green Actors Lounge 2024“Rafael Rybandt (Green Petfood Brand Marketing Teamlead), Ursula Karven (German actress),Patricia Knecht (Green Petfood Brand Marketing), Björn Hoven (CEO Leuchtstoff.Media)High energy content for active, adultdogsGrain-free recipe with insect andsalmon proteinValuable minerals, trace elements andvitamins for healthy skin and a shinycoatOptimized kibble size for small adultdogsThe new variety with insectproteinThe new Green Petfood completefoods will be available from October atparticipating retailers and in the GreenPetfood online shop. A choice of 7.5 kgand 900 g packs will be available.Technology & MarketingFor more Green Petfoodchnology & Marketingchnology & Marketingchnology & Marketingchnology & MarketingModerate energy content for adultdogs with normal activity levelsGluten-free recipe with insect andduck proteinValuable minerals, trace elements andvitamins for vitality and zest for lifeWith herbs & fruitsStart your day with powerInsectDog High Protein is the proteinbowl for dogs. The grain-free recipewith extra-small kibble is perfect forsmaller dogs who like plenty of action,as well as promoting a healthy skinand a shiny coat. Insect & salmonprotein provide an extra portion ofenergy.About Becoming GreenThe idea and execution of "Becoming Green" is a result of the collaboration betweenGreen Petfood, led by Brand Lead Rafael Rybandt, and Leuchtstoff.Media, led by ManagingDirector Björn Hoven. The first season of "Becoming Green" includes 11 episodes and willbe broadcast weekly on the Green Petfood YouTube channel.About Green PetfoodGreen Petfood is part of the medium-sized family-owned company ERBACHER the foodfamily, based in Kleinheubach in Bavaria’s Odenwald region, one of Europe’s leadingmanufacturers of super-premium pet food. However, Green Petfood also has a globalpresence, with its forward-thinking food products reaching the bowls of dogs and catsin 38 countries. In line with the company’s philosophy of being "pioneers and leaders infuture-oriented nutrition," Green Petfood focuses on innovative and sustainable food fordogs and cats. The brand's mission is to rethink pet food, produce it sustainably, providecomplete nutrition for animals, and make the world greener through pet food.For this reason, all products are produced in a climate-friendly manner. Due to thepioneering work Green Petfood has done in the field of sustainability, the brand has beenone of the first in the pet food industry to be recognized three consecutive times with theGreen Brands Award for ecological sustainability. Green Petfood is also the winner of the2024 German Sustainability Award in the Feed and Pet Food category.Issue 4 202443

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