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PetFood PRO 4/2024

  • Text
  • Green lifestyle
  • Fi europe
  • Zoomark
  • Interzoo
  • Harnischcom
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Solutions
  • Products
  • Petfood
  • Fatty
  • Acids
  • Marketing
  • Ingredients
  • Protein
PetFood PRO is the international magazine for executives and specialists in the manufacture of food for domestic animals – the pet food industry. The magazine focuses on food and delicacies for dogs, cats and other small animals, ornamental birds and fish, as well as animals kept in terrariums. We publish feature articles, reports and announcements about new ingredients, technology, equipment and processes, packaging machinery and materials as well as marketing trends and developments. Readers are executives, product developers and specialists in the pet food industry, including process and packaging engineers. PetFood PRO will be published in English. Circulation is worldwide, with an emphasis on important growth markets.

EVENTSFrom Interzoo 2024

EVENTSFrom Interzoo 2024 to PetfoodForum 2025: A Unique Opportunityfor Petfood Companies to ExpandBusinessThe renewed cooperation of two major events, Interzoo and Petfood Forum, enables businesses in the petfoodindustry to connect with key decision-makers across the entire supply chain. After a successful Interzoo 2024with lots of petfood innovations, the Interzoo Pavilion at Petfood Forum 2025 (28-30 April 2025, Kansas City,Missouri) offers the next big opportunity to foster growth and expand the network in the global petfood market– facilitated by a turnkey solution and comprehensive networking features.The partnership between Interzoo andWatt Global Media, which has been inplace since 2021, gives petfood companiesa comprehensive insight into currenttopics along the entire value chain. Keyevents of the cooperation include PetfoodForum Europe in Nuremberg as part ofInterzoo and the Interzoo Pavilion atPetfood Forum in Kansas City.At Interzoo 2024, the petfood sectorshowed an enormous presence with morethan 1,500 out of the 2,150 exhibitorsshowcasing petfood products andinnovations. The strong participation inPetfood Forum Europe 2024 collocatedwith Interzoo one day prior to the tradefair, further highlighted the importance ofthe Interzoo-week for the global petfoodindustry.In 2023, the first Interzoo Pavilionat Petfood Forum offered Interzooexhibitors the opportunity to join theevent in Kansas City with a special servicepackage. Going into its second edition,the Pavilion provides petfood companieswith a unique opportunity to expandin global markets and meet decisionmakersof the entire petfood supply chainat the Kansas City-based Petfood Forum2025 (28-30 April 2025). The Pavilion’sturnkey solution contains booth spaceas well as marketing assets and exclusivenetworking possibilities, making it anessential platform for companies seekingto grow their international presence.Interzoo 2024, the most recent eventof the world’s leading trade fair for petsupplies, underscored its reputation as akey meeting place for the internationalpetfood industry with much in store forpetfood manufacturers and buyers. On abroad scale Interzoo 2024 highlighted theimportance of petfood within the globalmarket showcasing numerous petfoodinnovations for all kind of animals.“Interzoo offers a multitude of approachestowards current petfood trends: Newand innovative ideas presented at theFresh Ideas Stage, established companiesseeking new opportunities in petfood,and an expert discussion of opportunitiesin packaging, manufacturing and overallsustainability at the Petfood ForumEurope – it’s all wrapped up in one weekof the year", says Dr Rowena Arzt, Head ofExhibition at Interzoo organizer WZF.Petfood innovations at InterzooAt the opening day of Interzoo 2024,a German brand presented a dogtreat made of cultivated protein. Thevegan air-dried snack, developed witha cellular agriculture company fromCalifornia, is destined to contributeto sustainability while preservingnutritional benefits such as aminoacids and postbiotic properties thatare important for pet health. A plantbasedalternative to petfood made fromanimal proteins attracted attention aspart of the Fresh Ideas Contest, held atInterzoo’s Start-up Area on the closingday of Interzoo 2024: A Dutch start-upcompany was among the winners for itsregionally produced, purely plant-baseddry dog food.In total, more than 1,500 exhibitors atInterzoo 2024 showcased products andinnovations within the petfood segment,marking a notable increase from theprevious event. The highest number ofpetfood-related products was shown inthe segment of food, snacks and treatsfor cats and dogs while the highestincrease compared to previous eventscould be found in the segment of petfoodtechnology. Petfood also capturedsubstantial visitor attraction, with 28percent of the 37,000 trade visitorsexpressing a particular interest in thepetfood technology sector.Interzoo Pavilion at PetfoodForum 2025: The Next Step inGlobal ExpansionBuilding on the successful collaborationwith WATT Global Media, Interzoois happy to announce the InterzooPavilion at Petfood Forum 2025. As oneof the world’s premier B2B events forthe pet food industry, Petfood Forum2025 will gather almost 4,000 industryprofessionals and over 400 exhibitors.“As the pet food market continues toevolve, additional research, educationand technology advances are crucialfor meeting consumer demands,” saidSteve Akins, executive vice president,global petfood and events, with WATTGlobal Media. “Petfood Forum helpsthe industry stay up to date on thelatest consumer trends and industrydevelopments while allowing petfood professionals to connect andcollaborate.”40Technology & Marketing

EVENTSPhoto: InterzooFor the second time since its successfullaunch in 2023, the Interzoo Pavilion atPetfood Forum supports companies fromthe pet supplies industry in initiatingor expanding their internationalizationprojects. "The Interzoo Pavilion providesan invaluable opportunity for companiesto strengthen their business relationshipsand enter key global markets. Whetheryou're launching a new product orexpanding your international presence,this all-in-one package offers tailoredsupport to help you reach your growthgoals and gain access to nearly 4,000attendees specialized in pet foodingredients, technology, packaging andservices", says Dr Rowena Arzt, Head ofExhibition at Interzoo organizer WZF.”We are more than happy to welcomethe Interzoo Pavilion to Petfood Forumfor the second time in a row and enableits participants to make contact withimportant buyers from around the world”,adds Akins.With the Interzoo Pavilion, companiesgain access to a turnkey exhibitionsolution that includes booth space,attendee badges, and valuable exposurethrough official Petfood Forum channels.The Pavilion is tailored for companiesthat are either new to Petfood Forumor have not participated since 2021,offering a highly competitive packageto help them stand out and makemeaningful industry connections.Technology & MarketingDr. Rowena Arzt , Head of Exhibitionsat Interzoo organizer WZFFor more 4 202441

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