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PetFood PRO 4/2024

  • Text
  • Green lifestyle
  • Fi europe
  • Zoomark
  • Interzoo
  • Harnischcom
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Solutions
  • Products
  • Petfood
  • Fatty
  • Acids
  • Marketing
  • Ingredients
  • Protein
PetFood PRO is the international magazine for executives and specialists in the manufacture of food for domestic animals – the pet food industry. The magazine focuses on food and delicacies for dogs, cats and other small animals, ornamental birds and fish, as well as animals kept in terrariums. We publish feature articles, reports and announcements about new ingredients, technology, equipment and processes, packaging machinery and materials as well as marketing trends and developments. Readers are executives, product developers and specialists in the pet food industry, including process and packaging engineers. PetFood PRO will be published in English. Circulation is worldwide, with an emphasis on important growth markets.

PACKAGINGClevertech has

PACKAGINGClevertech has the capacity to realize complete systems for different formats, from pouches to can , split cups and alu trays. Systems and complete lines.You mentioned multiflavorpackaging. What do you prefer?Cans, pouches or another formof packaging?In order to answer this question, weneed to analyze the following aspects:1. Capital Investment, 2. Space needed,3. Automation required, 4. Labor required,5. Comparative efficiency.1. A multiflavor package for cans is 30%more expensive than for pouches. Thereason is that product conveyors for cansare larger in size to allow accumula-tionbetween different machines that mustguarantee the continuity of productionin case of short stops, whereas conveyorsfor pouches are almost non-existent.Moreover, for cans there is one labellingmachine for each flavor, which pouchesRobotic depalletizing system for pouches, the machine feeds the carton machine and does themultiflavored packdo not need because they already havean image that shows the flavor.2. Space needed for cans is 40% largerthan required for pouches. We also haveto consider that multiflavor packaging forcans always requires a period of quarantinebefore the final packaging, whereasfor pouches the multiflavor packaging isperformed directly on the line.3. Generally the automation requiredis similar in both cases, but I would saythat for cans it is simpler and with higherefficiencies than for pouches. In fact,thanks to the high speed, we can have1200-1600 cans per minute on a single linealso in the multiflavor packaging, whilefor pouches the speed capacity is lessthan half. Furthermore, the automation inthe world of multiflavor package for cansis evolving, making it possible to handlemultiple products with different labelseven in labelling machines, thus reducingthe complexity of the line.4. Multiflavor packaging for cans requiresmore labor, as labelling machines andpackers require more operators than themultiflavor packaging for pouches. Thereare multiflavor lines for pouches with4 flavors and 480 pouches per minute32Technology & Marketing

PACKAGINGwhere there is only 1 worker required,whereas for cans “at least” 2 workers arerequired.5. The efficiencies of the multiflavor linesfor pouches are quite high, around 95%,since the machines follow each other ina harmonious way. In the cans sector,the efficiencies are lower because themachines work in a more individual way,and they are connected only throughconveyors with accumulation foreseen.If the downstream machine stops, therest of the line upstream continues towork without stopping, filling up theempty conveyor surface. At the restartof the downstream machine, there willbe an acceleration of production thatwill recover the accumulation createdupstream from the machine itself.Have you seen other specifictrends?Due to the pandemic, many businesseswere affected negatively and they neededto rise again. During this tough time, somecompanies realized that they needed toinvest more in the automation process,as it might be a key element to fight theCovid recession. Clevertech proposedseveral solutions at this time.Over the last 3 years, our company hasdelivered several solutions for single flavorand multiflavor pouch lines, with specificinnovation that cut the productionprocess to filling-treatment and directsecondary-tertiary packaging, savingcosts, time and space normally requiredby product quarantine, which has beeneliminated from the production processof pouches.How will the pet food marketdevelop? What is your vision forthe next few years?Currently we are optimistic about thefuture. The order book is full and there is alot of potential in pet food manufacturing,especially in Eastern Europe, with somegreen and brown field sites. Asia isanother growing market, with China andIndia, especially, seeing an increase in petfood. The food is often of a very high orpremium quality, since pets are often seenas a status symbol.In Europe the market for pouches willgrow, whereas in North America, morecans are found.Clevertech's vision is to continue with thefour pillars of our business philosophy:Customization, A Holistic Approach,Maximizing Performance, Showing aGlobal Presence. We are living in excitingand busy times.Thanks for your time andfascinating input. All the bestfor the future.Technology & MarketingFor more informationwww.clevertech-group.comYOU WANTLESS PACKAGINGJUST CLIP IT.Efficient, sustainable and safe. Experience our full rangeof clip-pak ® clip-closure solutions for many applications.Which is yours?The greatest ideas are often the simplest: a clip-pak ® isa tubular bag, which is closed at either end with a clip -essentially a sausage. Packaging with the clip is space-savingand environmentally friendly; it achieves a high degree ofemptying and leaves little packaging waste. In fact, packagingwith less packaging material would scarcely be possible.Issue 4 | Excellence in Clipping33

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