PROCESSINGInnovative Heat Solutionsfor Premium PetfoodThe French company Sairem is a world-leader in microwave and radio frequencysolutions, specializing in innovative food and pet food industrial solutions.Photos: SAIREMEnergy-efficiencySairem is an expert in MW (microwave) and RF(radio frequency) solutions for a wide range ofindustries and applications in the food sector.The company has over 40 years of experiencedeveloping customized and highly specializedequipment and processes and has excelled atensuring food safety and process efficiency.The company’s tailored pet food solutionslead to products that are healthy, of consistenthigh quality and have a long shelf life. Theirsolutions are highly energy efficient and fullyelectric. In addition, they are easy to install andmaintain, offering maximum reliability withfew moving parts.SAIREM's MW and RFtechnology is 100% electric Pet food safetyand therefore produces With the growth of worldwide pet ownership,no CO2 emissions and Sairem's innovative MW and RF systems haveconsumes 50% less energy taken center stage. One popular applicationcompared to traditional is the gentle defrosting of frozen pet foodheat treatment processes. components such as beef - including liver,spleen, rumen, etc. - or poultry. These can bebrought to the required temperature for further processing in avery short time using microwaves. Compared to other methods,there is no drip loss, and product safety is increased by reducingbacterial growth.As industry searches for alternative protein sources, insects suchas mealworms or crickets are increasingly coming into focus:they are easy to breed and have high protein content. For furtherprocessing, however, they must be dried uniformly. Conventionalmethods are ill equipped to deal with this challenge as theyare time-consuming, energy-intensive and lead to qualitylosses. With Sairem’s MWtechnology, this process canbe carried out in just one step,leading to homogeneous results.The insects do not dry out: color,texture, and volume are preserved, andtheir specific proteins and oil content areretained.Sylvain Tissier, BusinessDevelopment Managerat SAIREMFuture-oriented technologyand comprehensive solutionsBy harnessing the power and strength of MW and RF, Sairemoffers state-of-the-art solutions tailored to the needs of a widerange of food industry sectors.Sylvain Tissier is Business Development Manager at SAIREM,“Our solutions cover all angles: proof of operation and extensivetesting is performed at the Sairem lab in Lyon in France;development engineers support customers during the designphase; equipment design and assembly is provided, and a factoryacceptance test as well as installation and start up at customers’facilities is carried out. To round off our comprehensive customerservice, we can train customer technicians and offer maintenanceperformed by a multilingual customer service team.”About SairemFounded in 1978 and headquartered in Lyon, France, Sairemis a world leader in industrial microwave and radio frequencyapplications operating in more than 70 countries aroundthe world. With a strong focus on R&D with a dedicatedteam, continuous investment in research has led Sairem tobecome one of the few companies mastering both MW andRF technologies. An extensive patent portfolio protects thesetechnologies and allows Sairem to help customers choose andimplement the best industrial solutionfor their plant. Sairem offers the entirevalue chain of its solutions, designingmost of the components used - whetherelectronic cards, mechanical elements,or software. Offering more than 40 yearsof experience, Sairem has achieved animpressive growth of 20 % per year overthe last three years and has doubled thenumber of its employees.Technology & MarketingThe TMW75 allows deep frozen foods to betempered or defrosted quicklyFor more informationwww.sairem.com28Technology & Marketing