PROCESSINGInspecting wet products can present a number of challenges to pet food processorsthe inspection process, minimize wasteand efficiently remove contaminated wetand dry pet food products.Pipeline for premium slurriesInspecting wet products e.g., gravystylefoods, can present a number ofchallenges to pet food processors.Water, like metal, can be conductive.This means that wet products will reactin different ways in the magnetic fieldof a metal detector, which can lead tofalse readings and consequently higherproduct waste. In comparison, drykibble has a much lower product effect.To overcome this, Fortress Technology’sPipeline Metal Detector applies powerfuldigital signal processing technology toclearly distinguish the signal generatedby a metal contaminant from the wetproduct being inspected.This type of pet food processingdemands the highest levels of sanitation.Hygienic metal detector pipelinesystems for wet pet slurries and pâtéstylefoods are utilized to prevent metalcontaminants reaching the cooking andpacking stage.To avoid cross-contamination andbiological hazards, pipeline metaldetector scanning tubes should beconstructed in such a way to eliminate anybacteria harboring cracks where materialsmeet. Should pet food processors needto detect other physical contaminants,for example glass or bone, Pipeline X-raymachines may be an option.Best for biscuit buddiesFor dry kibble and pet treat applications,Gravity Metal Detectors can be installedupstream to detect contaminantsearlier in the production line. Phil Brownelaborates, “There is always value to begained from adding upstream detectionsystems to most processes. Upstreamdetection often makes it easier to detectcontaminants, trace to their source andalert staff to potential equipment issuesbefore they become too challenging andpotentially trigger huge recalls.”Catching a metal contaminant in itslargest form at the start of the processingline, for example in a pipeline or gravitysystem, means lower costs associatedwith the rejection.26Technology & Marketing
PROCESSINGPhotos: Fortress TechnologyPhil Brown, Sales Director at Fortress Technology EuropeInspecting products after packaging usingan end-of-line conveyor metal detectionand/or X-ray system is the most importantCCP. For most retailers, it is a supplierrequirement. Bulk metal detectors,checkweighers and combination systemsmay be deployed to perform this finalquality check, inspecting large pet foodbags and boxed wet food trays.Current technology now accommodatesboth the premiumization of pet food andits effects on processing productivity.Manufacturers can utilize this machineryto generate live OOE reporting data.Safer Pet Food Promise“High quality pet food deserves highquality inspection systems. DeterminingCCPs and preventive controls is animportant part of meeting currentconsumer demands. A comprehensiveunderstanding of consumer trends andhow they affect food safety regulationscan without doubt transform theefficiency of pet food processing lines,”states Brown.By adopting an efficient and systematicapproach to manufacturing pet food,owners can feel assured that theirpet’s dinner has undergone thoroughcontamination detection. No matter theingredients or application format, it isessential that pet food production linesalign to the same authenticity, safety,wellbeing and care associated with animalownership.Technology & MarketingFor more FortressFortress based in Oxfordshire is a whollyowned subsidiary of the privately-ownedToronto based Fortress TechnologyInc. Putting consumer safety first we’retrusted by thousands of domesticand global manufacturers to design,build, install and maintain inspectionequipment that deliver exactly whatthey promise. From food to FMCG;pharmaceutical to bulk; SMEs tolisted companies; metal detectors tocheckweighers; x-ray to combinationsystems; Fortress inspection systems arerenowned for their speed, accuracy andsimple operation. All designed to catchcontaminants, slash waste, spot productdefects, comply with weights legislationand reduce production downtime.Fully customizable, for 20+ years wehave offered the Fortress Never Obsoleteguarantee. Ensuring future sustainabilityand compliance with HACCP and Codesof Practice. This guarantee now extendsacross all our new combination, x-rayand checkweighing systems. Fortresshas manufacturing facilities in the UK,Canada and Brazil. Sales and servicesupport is available globally both directand through trusted distributors.Issue 4 202427