PROCESSINGWould you Share your Dog´sDinner?In the UK "human-grade" doesn´t mean pet food is safe for people to eat, but made using ingredients that are classed as fit for humanconsumptionNot all human foods are safe for dogsand cats to eat. But what about the otherway around? Looking beyond the disgustfactor, would you ever chow on your cat’skibble or slurp on a gravy-loaded doggiedish?With over 50 pieces of applicablelegislation governing the manufacturingof pet food in the UK, Fortress Technologyexamines the connection between thehumanization of pets and how thisis driving higher demand for quality,nutritious ‘human-grade’ pet food.In 2024, it was estimated that over 17.2million UK households owned at leastone of 36 million pets . From providingcompanionship and support therapy tooutdoor adventures, our furry friends arenow considered central to the householdand on par with any family member. Somuch so, that 21% of British householdersadmitted to spending the same amounton pet food than they do on their owngroceries, if not more .Food is served‘Human grade’ is a term coined inAmerica. There, the Association ofAmerican Feed Control Officials(AAFCO) defines it as ‘pet foodmanufactured in a manner consistentwith regulations for ready-to-eathuman food products’. It meanssomething different in the UK.“Regardless of how tasty-looking anypet food is, if it was produced in apet food processing factory it cannotbe legally classed as human grade inthe UK,” highlights Phil Brown, SalesDirector at Fortress Technology Europe.“Instead, the UK term relates toingredients from human gradesources. Which means that any meatsused in pet food products must notbe dead, dying or diseased. Instead,the meat must come from animalsthat are passed as being fit for humanconsumption. Nevertheless, theincreasing pressure from consumersto ensure their cuddly companionsreceive safe, nutritious, high-qualityfood has encouraged tighter pet foodprocessing regulations in recent years,he goes on to say.”According to the Association UK PetFood, over 50 pieces of legislationgovern the manufacturing of petfood in the UK to ensure consistenthigh standards and utmost safety andhygiene. The Guide to Good Practicefor the Manufacture of Safe Pet Fooddeveloped by FEDIAF comprehensivelycovers the safety and hygiene of petfood processes and products. In 2021,updated FEDIAF Nutritional Guidelinesfor Complete and Complementary PetFood for Cats and Dogs were released.Like human food, pet food processorsare required to adopt a HACCP andformal foreign bodies control policy.With more canine and feline mouths tofeed, robust pet food safety and detailorientedinspection has never beenmore paramount.24Technology & Marketing
PROCESSING“Industry trends prove that owners aredemanding more from manufacturerswhen it comes to pet food meeting similarstandards to human food, ensuring thatit is safe, nutritious and follows rigorousquality control processes using highperformanceinspection machinery.Sensitive and hygienic contaminantdetection equipment can play a crucialrole in assisting pet food processors toprotect pets, safeguard their brand andadhere to these stringent regulations,”Phil Brown explains.Un-leashing new technologyOn a typical pet food production line,incoming raw ingredients may bechecked, measured, blended with otheringredients, cooked, moulded, packagedinto a final product, inspected, storedand transported. Where in-line inspectionshould be implemented is dependenton the biggest contaminant risks forthat specific facility. Processors shouldestablish Critical Control Points (CCPs) toprevent, eliminate or reduce contaminantrisks to acceptable levels.To supply most pet food retailers, processors are required to inspect products at the end of theline by metal detection or X-ray.Until recently, pet food processors mighthave installed magnetic separators toremove ferrous metals, particularly at thefirst phase of processing. Now, state-ofthe-artmetal detectors are often installedon pet food production lines to optimizePhotos: Fortress TechnologySafety and reliability are top priorities for pet owners when it comes to theirbeloved animals. The increasing demand for premium quality, high flexibilityand limitless reliability is constantly presenting pet food producers with newchallenges!Whether wet food in cups, cans, jars and thermoformed packaging or clippedproducts, such as dog sausage and fresh pet food filled to the exact gram,or snacks, such as filled and unfilled chews, treats, sticks or stripes:VEMAG offers reliable solutions with flexible machine systems!VEMAG: Boundless passion for YOUR solution! · e-mail@vemag.deIssue 4 202425