INGREDIENTSoffering a highly scalable and consistentprotein solution.Ally Motta, Animal Nutritionist andApplication Specialist at MicroHarvestcommented: ‘’Testing has confirmedthat our protein ingredient has astable nutritional profile containingall the essential amino acids for dogs.Furthermore, in a live palatability study,we found that the treats containingour ingredient were enthusiasticallyaccepted by 85% of dogs trialed, whiletreats containing solely poultry mealhad a 75% acceptance rate. This confirmsthe viability of MicroHarvest protein as arewarding and nutritious treat for dogs.”Photo: Micro HarvestA subsequent palatability study carriedout by MicroHarvest found that dogsshowed a ten percentage points higheracceptance rate of microbial protein treatscompared to those made exclusively withpoultry.MicroHarvest co-founder Katelijne Bekersexplains: “Our partnership with VEGDOG,coupled with the results of our consumerresearch, demonstrates the potentialfor microbial ingredients like ours tooffer competitive protein alternativesto the pet food industry. Sustainabilityis becoming increasingly importantfor pet food shoppers. Still, there areother purchase drivers to consider, likepalatability, digestibility, as well as specificnutritional benefits, like low-fat content;these are all benefits that our proteinover-delivers on. With increasing pressureon the supply chain of animal-derivedprotein ingredients, our solution is a greatway to differentiate the protein sourcechoice for pet food manufacturers, beingboth highly reliable and scalable”.VEGDOG founder & CEO, Tessa Zaune-Figlar: “Our goal at VEGDOG is to showdog owners that they do not have torely on meat-based products to feedtheir pets. With this modern approachand our high-quality, healthy and tastyproducts, we have been able to pioneera new market. By collaborating with ourpartner MicroHarvest, we are openinga new chapter and bringing to market apromising snack that demonstrates ourability to innovate.”Dr. Carla Steffen, head of R&D at VEGDOG,further explains: “At VEGDOG, we areconstantly searching for innovativeprotein sources that benefit our dogs aswell as our planet. It is of high importanceto us to formulate our products basedon scientific evidence. As the microbialprotein of MicroHarvest is proven tobe highly digestible, palatable andsustainable, it ticks all of these boxes.”With a global protein demand forecast togrow 50% by 2050, by applying moderntechnology to millennia-old fermentationtechniques, MicroHarvest is capable ofproducing tons of high-quality microbialprotein ingredients in just 24 hours,MicroHarvest’s microbial protein iscompliant with European regulatorystandards, GMP+ certified, ensuringadherence to the rigorous safety,sustainability, and nutritional guidelines.A scalable production ensures a steadyand reliable supply of high-qualityingredients, empowering customers tostay ahead in a competitive landscape.Plus, the in-house team of formulationexperts is equipped to guarantee tailoredsupport.Aside from the pet food industry,MicroHarvest is developing applicationsfor their microbial proteins in livestock andaquaculture feed with a view to eventuallyextending their product offering totailored solutions for the human foodmarket. The highest quality ingredientsmean that final products are not justmarket-ready but poised to set newstandards in nutrition and sustainabilityfor pets and other consumers.Technology & MarketingFor more informationwww.microharvest.com22Technology & Marketing
BAKEDRY & COOK & BAKE SOLUTIONSHEALTHIER TREATSH A P PI E RP E T S· New All-in-One technology:Dehydrating, cooking and bakingby forced convection· Acceleration of Innovation:Allows to develop new foodsand treats for pets· Great Versatility:Possibility to dry & cook & bakeany type of product and format· Process Optimization:Continuous system, with superiorperformance and lower energy consumption· Full Connectivity 4.0:Full control of the