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PetFood PRO 4/2024

  • Text
  • Green lifestyle
  • Fi europe
  • Zoomark
  • Interzoo
  • Harnischcom
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Solutions
  • Products
  • Petfood
  • Fatty
  • Acids
  • Marketing
  • Ingredients
  • Protein
PetFood PRO is the international magazine for executives and specialists in the manufacture of food for domestic animals – the pet food industry. The magazine focuses on food and delicacies for dogs, cats and other small animals, ornamental birds and fish, as well as animals kept in terrariums. We publish feature articles, reports and announcements about new ingredients, technology, equipment and processes, packaging machinery and materials as well as marketing trends and developments. Readers are executives, product developers and specialists in the pet food industry, including process and packaging engineers. PetFood PRO will be published in English. Circulation is worldwide, with an emphasis on important growth markets.

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Driving Novel Pet Nutrition withMicrobial ProteinINGREDIENTSMicroHarvest and VEGDOG launch dogtreat with first-of-its-kind microbialprotein ingredient• Novel protein ingredient emits anestimated 2-3x less CO2 eq/kg comparedto plant-derived solutions• Study conducted by MicroHarvestin partnership with a WageningenUniversity Masters program finds that78.4% of British and German dog ownerswould consider buying pet food productscontaining microbial proteinGerman biotech startup MicroHarvesthave teamed up with animal-free pet foodproducer VEGDOG to unveil first-of-itskindmicrobial protein dog treat. In an erawhere sustainability and nutrition mustgo hand in hand, the company is leadingthe way in microbial protein productionfor the pet food conduct the first acceptance study formicrobial protein amongst dog ownersin the UK and Germany, countries thatrepresent two of the largest premium dogfood and treats markets in Europe.The study surveyed 1,162 UK and Germandog owners and found significant interest,with 77.2% of respondents willing topurchase dog treats containing microbialprotein in their composition and 78.4% ofthe dog owners willing to buy completedog food containing the protein.Although other innovative pet foodproducts have explored microbial sourceslike yeasts and mycelium as ingredients,this specific product is the first to bedesigned with microbial protein derivedfrom bacteria that have been part of ourdiets for centuries in foods like kimchi,kefir and sauerkraut.Photo: Micro HarvestThe innovative VEGDOG Pure Bites snack,which is a first for the dog food marketin Europe, combines the new microbialprotein from MicroHarvest with tastypotato and apple pomace. Thanks to itshypoallergenic properties, it is particularlysuitable for dogs that cannot tolerateconventional protein sources. The hightolerance and digestibility as well as thedelicious taste make it the first choicefor dogs with severe intolerances andallergies. This also makes VEGDOG PureBites interesting for use in veterinarypractice.Microbial protein is protein sourcedfrom micro-organisms like bacteriaand produced through fermentation.MicroHarvest's microbial ingredientfootprint, at 1.4 kg CO2 equivalent perkilogram of product, offers a sustainabilityedge equal to insect proteins andsignificantly surpassing that of plantderivedproteins.Pet food has been a focus applicationmarket from the onset for MicroHarvest.They recently partnered with aWageningen University Masters programIssue 4 202421

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