INGREDIENTSSimo ElliläCEOJoosu KuivanenCOOHeikki Keskitalo, BusinessDevelopment ManagerVille PihlajaniemiChief Technology OfficerAnssi RantasaloChief Scientific OfficerAbout EniferEnifer, a spin-off company from VTTTechnical Research Center of Finland,was founded by five scientists in 2020to further develop and commercializethe proprietary PEKILO® technology.A process originally developed andused by the Finnish forest industryat a commercial scale, the PEKILO®technology enables the biotechnologicalconversion of dilute side streams intoa high-protein ingredient, PEKILO®mycoprotein.Enifer already has ongoing partnershipswith big global companies in the feedand food industries, such as Skretting,the global aquafeed division of Nutreco,Purina for pet food, and Valio forconsumer food products.that enabled it to start constructing aunique food-grade mycoprotein factoryin Kirkkonummi, Finland. This will bethe world’s first factory to produce suchprotein from side streams. Additionally,Enifer is already planning largerproduction facilities focusing exclusivelyon producing high-quality and affordablePEKILO® mycoprotein ingredientstargeted to animal nutrition.The main scientific setup andfindings of the study:The 42-day study was conducted by thecanine nutrition laboratory (LENUCAN)at the Federal University of Parana (UFPR)in Brazil. The study included 16 one-yearoldbeagles (8 male, eight female) with anaverage weight of 10.43kg.Statistically significant increases werefound in gut microbiome diversity withPEKILO® inclusion in the diet.From the 20% inclusion trial, proteindigestibility of the PEKILO® ingredientwas high at 83.9%. Fecal quality was stillgood, with dry matter of 29.7% and ascore of 3.9%.Statistically significant increases werefound in the production of short-chainfatty acids (SFCAs) and branched shortchainfatty acids (BFCAs) with increasingPEKILO® inclusion in the diet.No significant differences were found inthe palatability of reference diets and thediets containing 4%, 8%, or 16% PEKILO®protein.Technology & MarketingFor more informationwww.enifer.comPhotos: Iiro Muttilainen/Enifer18Technology & Marketing
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