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petfood pro 1/2022

  • Text
  • Animal nutrition
  • Harnischcom
  • Sustainable
  • Solutions
  • Petfood
  • Materials
  • Protein
  • Processing
  • Ingredients
  • Marketing
  • Products
  • Packaging
PetFood PRO is the international magazine for executives and specialists in the manufacture of food for domestic animals – the pet food industry. The magazine focuses on food and delicacies for dogs, cats and other small animals, ornamental birds and fish, as well as animals kept in terrariums. We publish feature articles, reports and announcements about new ingredients, technology, equipment and processes, packaging machinery and materials as well as marketing trends and developments. Readers are executives, product developers and specialists in the pet food industry, including process and packaging engineers. PetFood PRO will be published in English. Circulation is worldwide, with an emphasis on important growth markets.

SHOWCASE Gael Seguin,

SHOWCASE Gael Seguin, Sales Manager Clevertech is a company specialized in product handling for primary and secondary packaging. We have a real good Expertise in Loading/Unloading of Basket or tray handling system in sterilization area. We are also experts in depalletizing system for empty cans, jars and even bottles and our system are also including complete End of Lines with Palletizing, pallet stretchwrapping, pallet labelling, pallet handling system. Which advantages are to be expected through the PetFood Competence Network a) for the companies involved and b) for the producers of pet food? This network is composed of main important actors in the Petfood activity, and this allows us to advise the customers for all the areas from preparation to processing until production and primary, secondary and tertiary packaging in petfood activity. What demands do pet food manufacturers make on suppliers to this industry? Is it different for raw materials, equipment or packaging manufacturers? Customers can be very demanding especially about new process, new packaging, and flexibility for mixing of the products. Demands can be very different depending the zone where customers are based, and it’s not the same thing if you are in Europe, or North or South America, or in Asia. The advantage of this PCN is to be able to advise the customers well, according to their specific demands or expectations and market trend. European producers have a good experience – they generally know what they want. Asian companies, for example, are ready to invest, but need more advice on what equipment is needed, how a line fits together and what specific benefits are involved. How has the pet food market changed in the last few years? (5 to 10 years) Capacity of production has increased and it has changed a lot due to market demands. As an example pets of 2022 are different in size comparing them to the ones of 2000. Nowadays pets are best friends of people leaving in downtown of metropolitan cities. The pet sizes are changing from big to small. Big pets eats dry pet food usually supplied in 10-15 kg bags, while small pets are more in favour of wet pet food supplied in mono-dose packaging of 100 gr. From the packaging point of view, it is like talking about day and night as line set-up wise. What are the qualifications to be a successful producer of pet food? Focus the entire production chain on health aspect of the petfood and at same time be innovative and flexible enough to be leader in the market trends. What changes have you noticed when looking at raw materials and ingredients for pet food? Sustainability and humanization of pet food are key words now. All new packaging has to integrate the fact that it is fully recyclable. Talking about pouches for example, the monolayer material is a must and it has to be retortable. Humanization of Pet Food will bring tremendous innovations! What will be the biggest challenges in the production and packaging of pet food in the next five years? Big challenge will be to remain on all the fronts during next 5 coming years, because we are in great demand, and we are organizing ourself to answer in structural way to the continuous of increase of the market demand. Do you have a pet yourself? What is your biggest wish for this special member? Yes of course, I always had dogs at home, and they are full member of the family, and the first thing we are expecting is that they are in good health. 28 Technology & Marketing

SHOWCASE Oscar Vossebeld, Joost Lotgerink Bruinenberg, JBT (Photo) What is the special attraction of this network for you? Fresh cut supplier, thermal industry IQF and RTE products. Raw material infeed and pre cooking. Company is more in the wet food sector, including the processing of meat onto the line, and then packing into cans and pouches Which advantages are to be expected through the PetFood Competence Network a) for the companies involved and b) for the producers of pet food? Network companies all best in class – to bring the best options for pet food customers and the pet food market. It is not easy to be the best in class. Knowledge based. Importance of understanding what the customers and the consumers really want.. How has the pet food market changed in the last few years? (5 to 10 years) Following trends and developments in plant based options, important also is sustainable, better use of resources, carbon footprint etc. (paw print) What changes have you noticed when looking at raw materials and ingredients for pet food? More effective use of steam to bring benefits all down the line. Steam is expensive. What will be the biggest challenges in the production and packaging of pet food in the next five years? Think of potential issues and problems ahead of time. Issue 1 2022 29

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